Heavenly Pasta

There's a little cheese shop a few doors down from Perche No that hangs the cutest angel ornaments in their window display each Christmas. After years of admiring them I've decided to make them myself.

They are made almost entirely of pasta:

  • Pipe Rigate (shells)
  • Rigatoni or Paccheri (tubular)
  • Stellette (little stars)
  • Farfalle (butterflies: bow ties)
  • Rotelle (wheels)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Elmer's glue
  • Self-drying modeling clay (in Italy called DAS)

I am without a glue gun, so I've done this the hard way, using only Elmer's glue! Save yourself a lot of time and use a glue gun if you have it.

I first made about 3 dozen small balls, about as wide as a quarter, to use as the heads. They dry quickest near a heating vent or heat radiator.

After about 12 hours the little heads were dry. Next, I added the hair (Stellette) to the heads.

Then, I assembled the torsos (Paccheri) with the arms (Pipe) and wings (Farfalle).

Finally, I added the heads to the torsos and the halos (Rotelle) on top of the heads to finish.

Angels doing head stands while drying.
Last, a string was attached to the halo to hang the ornaments.

These look great on a Christmas tree, or on a gift as decoration. Happy Holidays!


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